Canadian Rockies: around Banff

Canadian Rockies 2007
Canadian Rockies 2007

My birthday is in July, which is wonderful because it means I can usually spend it on holiday. In 2007 I turned 50 and chose to celebrate in the Canadian Rockies. What a great fortnight we had! It was also the start of a run of annual North American road-trips, only broken last summer when we went to Orkney and Shetland instead. Normal service will be resumed this year….

After flying into Calgary, our first stop was Banff, though we weren’t staying in the illustrious Banff Springs Hotel as shown in the gallery – we were somewhere much more lowly. We had a wonderful few days amongst the lakes and mountains, most of which I can no longer identify with any certainty so have helpfully labelled “Near Banff”. You can probably tell from my body language and general demeanour that kayaking wasn’t for me; I much preferred hiking.

From Banff, we headed north on the Bow Valley Parkway to our next stop – Num-ti-jah Lodge. Coming up soon!



  1. I missed this…busy days. One day I will get there. One of my dearest friends works as a tour guide and stays at that famous hotel throughout the summer


  2. Hi Anabel – well you had better weather than my mother and I did back in 1997 … on 1st July – it snowed!!!! I managed to drive to Jasper, but was glad to get back to Banff. Wonderful area … Mum and I did not go canoeing … cheers Hilary
