January Light: City Halls

In Glasgow, the City Halls contain a number of concert venues rather than the seat of municipal government – that’s the City Chambers. The grand hall, above, opened in 1841 and was extensively renovated about 15 years ago. The beautiful chandeliers supply roof-light, there’s some spotlight, and also a bit of projected-light on the back wall showing the orchestra’s name. On this occasion, we were awaiting the delight of a performance of Mozart’s Requiem. Linked to Becky’s January Squares challenge – words ending in light.


  1. Neil got in first, with his remark about the name on the wall. Attending a “posh” concert in a hall such as this is still to be achieved by me, one day!


  2. I love these lights that make it look like a delicate chandelier but probably much cheaper than one of the typical chandeliers one sees in halls. How was the actual concert?
