SquaresRenew 20: Bushmills Inn

Bushmills Inn: street view

After Belfast, we spent three nights at the Bushmills Inn. From the street it looks like a typical old coaching inn, as it was for many years. What is now the restaurant is in the oldest part of the building, which used to be the coach house and stables, dating from the 17th century.

Round the back it’s a different story – the plaque describes the multiple reconstructions it has been through. I’m glad we no longer have to share with chickens!

Other things you might notice are that a river runs through it, and that the flag on the tower is the Stars and Stripes in one picture and Belgian in another. Apparently they fly the flag of the guest who has travelled furthest to be there.

This sculpture would lose much of its attraction if squared. I’ve managed to square the explanation though! The tiny window top left was above our bed.

Part of Becky’s SquaresRenew Challenge, using images from our April 2024 trip to Northern Ireland to illustrate one or more of the following:

  • Move forward
  • Reconstruct
  • Renew
  • Burgeoning


  1. I’ve been banging on for years that Scottish towns and villages should take a page out of Ireland’s playbook where many of the buildings are painted, Tourists and Scots flock to Tobermory just because a handful of fairly ordinary shops are different colours. Ireland, north and South, has hundreds of painted houses, in many villages, towns and cities. It really does cheer the place up, especially in dull or wet gloomy weather. The flag is a good idea as well. They are so far ahead of us in many ways, tourist wise. Bob. BSS.


  2. I like all the different reincarnations this place has had and the flag idea is lovely. I would be quite happy to share with chickens as long as they were quiet at night 🙂


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