SquaresRenew 26: Peace Wall

Wall Museum Project

Derry is the only remaining completely walled city in Ireland and has some of the best preserved fortifications in Europe. The walls date from 1618 and were intended to protect English and Scots settlers from the Gaelic chieftains of Donegal. You can walk right round them and in the image above I am standing just outside one of the gates, Bishop’s Gate.

The red brick wall topped with a high green fence to my right is another kind of wall – the “Peace Wall” dividing the Protestant Fountain area from the Catholic Bogside. In Belfast I was shocked to find the “Peace Wall” was still closed at night, but here this seems not to be the case and the wall has been used for an exhibition of words and images from a project uniting women from both communities. To save myself a lot of typing I’ve reproduced the information boards below, and you can read them if you wish.

This reminded me very much of the Reflection Space we visited in Belfast with similar desires for a peaceful future expressed, and I hope such cross-community projects can help Northern Ireland move forward.

Part of Becky’s SquaresRenew Challenge, using images from our April 2024 trip to Northern Ireland to illustrate one or more of the following:

  • Move forward
  • Reconstruct
  • Renew
  • Burgeoning


  1. Ah, It was the fountain area where the skeleton figures were. On the airport tourist map we had acquired, a gable end in that district was supposed to have a giant mural of King William on a horse that I wanted to photograph but all we found there was loads of teenagers pouring out of a boys club to defend it against us. I.e. three innocents abroad. We must have exited the divide somewhere as the next street where we asked ” where’s this King Billy mural then.’ It was in the Catholic area. Luckily, it was a couple of girls we asked. Strangers in a strange land moment. Never did find that one to tick it off the tourist map list. Must have been painted out at some point :o) Bob. BSS.


  2. You don’t need walls when you hold each other up’ is a great sentiment. And I didn’t know that Derry is the only remaining completely walled city in Ireland


  3. I agree with “heyjude”… religions have too often been used to divide people even if we are basically all the same. We need more initiatives to convince people that we aren’t so different after all. (Suzanne)


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