SquaresRenew 29: Looking in, Looking out

Looking In, Looking Out by Antony Gormley

On our walk round the city walls of Derry we came across this sculpture by Antony Gormley outside the Millennium Forum Theatre. Although it looks slightly sinister to me, its message is clearly one of renewal and moving forward, especially as it was created in 1987 when the Troubles were still ongoing. It’s quite a complicated message so I’ve reproduced the information board in full below.


In 1987 artist Antony Gormley installed three doubled cast iron bodycases: Sculpture for Derry Walls, on the Walls as part of a temporary exhibition. The work re-interprets the central icon of Christianity but crucifies one body against the other. The aspiration was that by re-presenting Derry’s two religious communities and embodying their common redemptive belief, the work would act as a poultice and draw thoughts and feelings that otherwise might be expressed in more violent ways. The open eye holes allow the viewer to reconcile opposing views from within and without the city walls. each side of the work either looking into the Walled City or out towards the Fountain, Bogside or, in this site, the British Army’s Ebrington Barracks. The artist gifted this work to the city, when the other sculptures were acquired abroad.

Part of Becky’s SquaresRenew Challenge, using images from our April 2024 trip to Northern Ireland to illustrate one or more of the following:

  • Move forward
  • Reconstruct
  • Renew
  • Burgeoning


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