SquaresRenew 31: full circle

You’ve seen the image on the left before. On 15th April we set off for almost three weeks in Northern Ireland and Ireland. On 3rd May we returned to Belfast for the ferry back to Scotland feeling renewed and refreshed. We had moved forward so far we’d come full circle!

On the journey back up to Glasgow we stopped off for dinner at Souter’s Inn in Kirkoswald, a lovely place with delicious food, which made a nice end to our trip.

Soutar’s Inn, Kirkoswald

My aim in these posts has been to use Becky’s SquaresRenew Challenge to illustrate how Northern Ireland fits her themes of:

  • Move forward
  • Reconstruct
  • Renew
  • Burgeoning

I think I have, and I hope you agree. With a few wobbles along the way, when we spoke to people who were clearly wanting to fight old battles, it seemed to me that Northern Ireland is well set for a more peaceful future. I hope that’s true and I would love to return to this wonderful place. And if I’ve inspired anyone else to visit, even better!


  1. Hi Anabel – that’s what’s so wonderful about blogging – we get inspired to learn, visit and converse with many in our extraordinary world. I too hope peace and quiet from discord will prevail – we are in challenging times. However you’ve given us the chance to rethink … great month of squares … Hilary


  2. There are always people wanting to fight old battles but there do seem to be signs that they are not the force that they were so your posts have been very interesting and encouraging.


  3. I love the idea that you moved forwards so far that you came full circle! But this also reminds me that although you may come home after a trip you are never quite back where you were, as the trip will have changed you in some way. I sense that is true of you after your immersion in Northern Ireland’s emergence from the Troubles?


  4. Such a lovely series. I was good to see Northern Ireland well on the path to peace with great initiatives toward that end. Thanks for the virtual visit to places we had been and some we hadn’t. (Suzanne)


  5. A good ending to a month of great posts and photos. Belfast has been on my ‘to do’ list for quite a while but current circumstances mean I can’t travel too far, however your posts have certainly inspired me to keep it on the list.


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