January Light: reflection

I was going for reflected-light today to describe this shot of St Andrew’s RC Cathedral in Glasgow. Then I realised that the pesky lamp-post ruining the view allows me to use lamplight or streetlight, thus finishing January Squares within the rules – words ending in light – without relying on a hyphen. Woohoo!

All that remains is to thank the wondrous Becky for hosting such a fun challenge. During the month I came across this quote by novelist Edith Wharton (1861-1937):

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.

Becky is our candle and we have all been little pieces of her mirror.



      • I never seem to get ahead with my writing despite best intentions. I have got another post up today and seem to have fixed the problem with the editor. I think what happened is that in between edits last weekend (I wrote the post Saturday and came back to it on Sunday) WordPress had done an update and automatically defaulted my post to the block editor before I realised. If I go back and try and edit the post now it says it is written in the block editor style although at least it now lets me change to the classic style. It tried to make me do the block editor this week but I was able to change it back to the classic style which I much prefer!


  1. It’s a great photo – and has brought some appropriate comments … light does brighten our lives … have a happy weekend – cheers Hilary

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I am very impressed you managed a whole month of this challerge which has put your photographic skills in the limelight.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Limelight – one I never did use. Thanks, though my usual disclaimer applies: any photo that looks really good was probably taken by John. Anything that looks a bit rubbish is mine. The challenge has been a mixture, though I lay claim to all the editing and words!
