SquaresRenew 4: King William

King William mural

The street pictured above was just behind our Belfast hotel and provided my first experience of a Northern Irish political mural. King William III is an icon of the Loyalist community and I started to wonder if things had moved on as much as I believed they had. However, crossing the road to read the information board, I realised this actually was an example of moving forward  it even uses that very phrase. I can’t square this image, but I think it is worth showing the board in full because it explains things far better than I could.

King William III: the return of a king

Part of Becky’s SquaresRenew Challenge, using images from our April 2024 trip to Northern Ireland to illustrate one or more of the following:

  • Move forward
  • Reconstruct
  • Renew
  • Burgeoning


  1. Well, that is interesting. There’s a balance, is there not, to transparency and remembering one’s culture on the one hand, and not celebrating tribalism on the other. I guess this is better than advertising some para-military outfit so, as you say, it’s a start. I find it profoundly sad – and worrying – that there is STILL so much hatred directed at people because of their religion, origin, or whatever – sometimes simply because of their views. When I was growing up and going to university, we used to be able to disagree. I used to think that, as a race, we were getting better. Now I sometimes wonder whether we’re actually moving backwards but, because discrimination is technically illegal, in denial about it.


    • Yes, there is definitely a balance to be sought, you are right. I agree too that there is still a shocking amount of prejudice and hatred on so many grounds. I don’t mean to sound anti-social media because I’m not, but I think part of it is people feel freer to say things behind an anonymous screen than they would in person, and then it starts to become normalised. I don’t know what the answer is!


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