SquaresRenew 24: Peace Bridge

John with the Peace Bridge behind him

The Peace Bridge, providing walking and wheeling access across the River Foyle in Derry, opened in 2011. The name reflects its intention of improving relations between the largely unionist Waterside on the east bank and the largely nationalist Cityside on the west bank by improving access between these areas as part of wider renewal plans after the Troubles. It always seemed to be busy so hopefully this is working.

We loved the bridge and have many photographs of it from different angles and at different times of day. The header photo shows John on a terrace in our hotel with the bridge in the background. The old walled city is on the other side of the river and the Neo-Gothic building you can glimpse in some of the pictures below is the Guildhall. Both it and the walls will feature in later posts.

Part of Becky’s SquaresRenew Challenge, using images from our April 2024 trip to Northern Ireland to illustrate one or more of the following:

  • Move forward
  • Reconstruct
  • Renew
  • Burgeoning


  1. A very elegant bridge as well as a symbolic one. It has a similar appeal, to me, as the Millennium Bridge linking Newcastle to Gateshead – two places with less to divide them than the two halves of Derry but with a strong rivalry nevertheless.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Anabel – interesting bridge to see … and learn a bit more about the bridge, the area – and the organisation that built it … I’ve never been to that part of Ireland, let alone northern Ireland. Cheers Hilary


  3. love how many photos you took, as if you hadn’t I would probably not have completely worked out its structure. For a while I thought the tall sections were joined – brilliant


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