SquaresRenew 25: Guildhall

Derry Guildhall from Peace Bridge

Derry’s Guildhall was originally opened in 1890, but has required reconstruction over the years. A major fire destroyed everything but the clock tower and rear block in 1908 and it was rebuilt in 1912. In 1972 two terrorist bombs caused considerable damage and it was restored again in 1977. It’s third renewal was in 2013 when it reopened after a three-year refurbishment programme.

It’s a beautiful building outside and in. Some highlights of the interior are shown below. Of particular interest to me were the statue of Queen Victoria, one of the nicest I have seen with exquisite carving of her lace dress, and the cabinet dedicated to John Hume‘s peace awards.

John Hume is the only person to have won all three of these awards: the Nobel Peace Prize (jointly awarded to him and Sir David Trimble for their roles in the Northern Ireland peace process in 1998), the Martin Luther King Jr Non-Violent Prize (1999), and the Mahatma Gandhi Peace Prize, awarded in 2001. It’s a unique collection. When Hume died in 2020, Bill Clinton said:

John Hume’s chosen weapons: un unshakeable commitment to nonviolence, persistence, kindness, and love. With his enduring sense of honour, he kept marching on against all odds towards a brighter future for all the children of Northern Ireland. He was Ireland’s Martin Luther King.

It is questionable if Northern Ireland could have moved on as quickly as it did without this man.

Part of Becky’s SquaresRenew Challenge, using images from our April 2024 trip to Northern Ireland to illustrate one or more of the following:

  • Move forward
  • Reconstruct
  • Renew
  • Burgeoning


  1. For all Bill Clinton’;’s faults, he was a good politician and that tribute to John Hume was heartening to read. It goes to prove that not all politicians are the same as people are so fond of saying these days.


  2. That is one building I missed. No idea why as we walked all round the city and even into some of the housing estates, (where the skeleton murals were) so maybe it was shut when I visited. Although I liked Derry Girls the Irish TV series I was really impressed with was Red Rock, a really good Dublin crime drama, easily the equal of Happy Valley, Broadchurch, Line of Duty etc… since then there’s been a steady stream of Irish TV dramas I’ve noticed as I’ve watched most of them. A real growing industry over there. Bob. BSS.


  3. a building that has seen so much, hopefully the next century it will see more peaceful times thanks to the efforts of John Hume and others. A wonderfully uplifting post


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